Progress - Radio Hill S1 Doppler Radar

Posted October 2023
Works completed on site is as follows
- Removal of loose rock and top soil
- Rock cutting and breaking to requested deep
- Culturally sensitive area sweep and protective measures put in place as requried
Progress - Gove BOM Administration Building Demolition

Posted July 2023
Works completed on site is as follows
- Removal of Asbestos
- Radar tower dismantled
- Mains power and communications disconnected from Gove-East Arnhem Airport
- 100% Gas store, AWS and Dines hut demolished
- 90% Inground services removed
- Building stripped to steel frame and concrete foundations

Tender Award - Radio Hill S1 Doppler Radar
Posted June 2023
The project involved the installation of an S1 Doppler radar tower at Radio Hill, located on land within RioTinto and near culturally sensitive areas requiring monitoring by Ngarluma cultural monitors.

Tender Award - Gove BOM Administration Building Demolition
Posted May 2023
Sime has secured the demolition contract for the Gove NT Bureau of Meteorology administration building and weather radar. The project consist of Dismantling the radar tower, hand demolition of the building, with a focus on separating materials for recycling and removing in-ground services. Following the completion of the demolition work, Rio Tinto will commence the mining of bauxite, marking the next phase of activities in the region.

Project Completed - Serpentine S Band Doppler Radar Upgrade
Posted October 2022
The construction side of Serpentine Weather Radar is complete with help from GHD, Xtreme Engineering and Boom Logistics. The radar will be commissioned in the following weeks, which will improve the weather forcast for Perth Metropolitan Area and Peel Region

Progress - Flinders Estate Stage 4
Posted October 2022
Works completed on site is as follows
- Clearing of vegetation
- 70% of storm water infrastructure
- 60% of deep sewer
- 75% of underground electric service to proposed block

Progress - Serpentine S Band Doppler Radar Upgrade
Posted September 2022
Serpentive old weather radar has successfully been dismantle with help from Boom logistics with out any incidents.

Tender Award - Flinders Estate Stage 4
Posted May 2022
Sime Building and Construction has been awarded a 29 block subdivision close to the beach in the sought after Bandy Creek suburb.
Project Scope of Works:
- Installation of Deep sewer
- Paving to road entries
- Concrete bond beams, pram ramps and kerbs
- Stormwater services
- Hot mix new interior roads
- Installation of potable cold water and power services
- Civil/site works and proof rolling of existing site

Tender Award - Serpentine S Band Doppler Radar Upgrade
Posted July 2021
Sime Building and Construction is pleased to once again work with GHD Pty Ltd on a Bureau of Meteorology project, which entails demolition of old weather tower and erection of a new S Band Doppler Radar tower.

Esperance Indoor Stadium Officially Open's
Posted July 2020
Esperance's new $8.3 million indoor sports stadium was officially opened today and is ready for the start of the winter netball season this weekend.

Progress - Esperance Indoor Sports Stadium
Posted September 2019
Works completed in the last fortnight are as follows:
- -All concrete tilt up panels have been erected on site and are braced in position.
- -Several bays of structural steel forming portal frames constructed. Structural steel over the stores area is complete incorporating the concrete panels to steelwork.
Other works still being done include:
- Structural steel fabrication and painting for the amenities building is ongoing.
- Continuing installation of mains water and fire line along harbour road boundary
- Storm water to existing building ongoing.
- Sewer rising main for pump station being installed.
Credit: Shire of Esperance

Progress - Esperance Indoor Sports Stadium
Posted July 2019
Here is the latest update on Sime Building and Construction of Esperance’s new Indoor Stadium:
- Formwork is being completed for the stores areas ready for pouring Stadium concrete slab has been completed approximately 3500 m2
- Two Fire Hydrant block walls completed.
- Installation of electrical and communications conduit pre-lay in the amenities area has commenced
- Hydraulic contractor has completed all the major services. This includes stormwater, water, fire, gas and sewer installation around the southern carpark areas.
- Fabrication of structural steel work continued off site with portals for the Stadium being fabricated ready for painting.
- Tilt Panel plan is being prepared. WorkSafe Notified for tilt panel manufacture proposed commencement being 22 July 2019
Credit: Shire of Esperance

Tender Award - Esperance Indoor Sports Stadium
Posted March 2019
The Esperance Shire Council have awarded the tender for the long-awaited Indoor Sports Stadium development to local company Sime Building and Construction. The new $8.3 million stadium will house four multi-purpose courts, meeting rooms, kitchen and kiosk facilities, change rooms and storage space for user groups.

Tender Award - Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre
Posted March 2017
Sime Building and Construction has been awarded the Recreation and Cultural Centre in regional town of Pingelly. This Project intends to achieve a multipurpose facility adequate for regional sports games, large functions, conferences, visiting services and as an emergency evacuation centre. This Project will provide a year round facility available to continually engage local and regional communities in sport, recreation, cultural and community activities.

Esperance Waterfront Landscape Development wins award
Posted July 2015
This project has been recognised as one of the best in Australia. Our client, the Shire of Esperance has been named an award winner in the 2015 Parks and Leisure Australia Regional Awards of Excellence, winning the category of Parks and Open Spaces Development. National finalists will be announced in October at an awards ceremony held in Sydney. Sime Building and Construction would like to congratulate the Shire of Esperance and are honoured to have been the Head Contractor for the project.
Esperance Express article (PDF 1.2MB)

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project – James Street Precinct is officially open
Posted June 2014
We are pleased to announce the first section of the project was officially opened by Colin Barnett and Regional Development Minister Terry Redman on Sunday, 8 June 2014.
Kalgoorlie Miner article (PDF 1MB)
Picture montage (JPG 662KB)

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project newsletter
Posted May 2014
Feel free to read the online version of our Local Residents Newsletter outlining current works being completed, project progress and public access update.
Local Residents Newsletter - May 2014 (PDF 4.1MB)

Narrogin Senior High School: Performing Arts Upgrade – project has reached practical completion
Posted April 2014
Narrogin Senior High School: Performing Arts Upgrade project reached practical completion on 17 April 2014.
This performing arts centre further enhances Sime's previous construction of the hospitality training centre at the Narrogin Senior High School.

Narrogin Senior High School: Performing Arts Upgrade – project nearing completion
Posted March 2014
In April 2014 we will see the completion of the new Administration Building, Music Block and Performing Arts Centre at Narrogin Senior High School. A ground breaking series of buildings, bringing significant contemporary learning spaces to the community.

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project newsletter
Posted March 2014
Feel free to read the online version of our Local Residents Newsletter outlining project progress, public access updates, toilet block tender award and more:
Local Residents Newsletter - March 2014 (PDF 3MB)

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project – article from local newspaper
Posted March 2014
Builders change the waterfront landscape – March 5, 2014 (PDF 3.7MB)
Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project Jetty access update
Posted February 2014
The Esperance Tanker Jetty will remain open to the public this Sunday evening (16 February 2014).
The Esperance Tanker Jetty will then be closed to the public until further notice from Monday, 17 February 2014 to enable project works to proceed.

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project Public access update
Posted January 2014
Esperance Express article - January 24, 2014
Public access to the Esperance Tanker Jetty will be interrupted from Tuesday (27/01/2014).
According to the Shire of Esperance the jetty will be closed so that landscaping work at the Waterfront Project can continue on the foreshore. A spokesperson for the Shire of Esperance said contractors Sime Building and Construction would keep the jetty open over the Australia Day long weekend. However, it would then be closed temporarily in order to continue planned works.
The pedestrian walkway which opened before Christmas will be closed on Tuesday (27/01/2014) until an alternative route across the construction site can be arranged with the relevant parties working on the headland.
The shire said work updates would be provided on its website, its Facebook page and through local news media.

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project begins
Posted November 2013
The Esperance Waterfront Landscape Development project has commenced!
Please refer to the Shire of Esperance's news item discussing the project.

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project – waterfront will be world class
Posted November 2013
From the Coast is a weekly column that appears every Monday in the Kalgoorlie Miner newspaper. In the column Shire President Cr Malcolm Heasman discusses what is happening in and around Esperance. The Esperance Waterfront Landscape Development project was the topic of discussion recently:
From the Coast - Waterfront Landscaping (PDF 112KB)

Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project newsletter
Posted October 2013
Feel free to read the online version of our Local Residents Newsletter outlining the project's scope of work, working hours and more:
Local Residents Newsletter - October 24, 2013 (PDF 1.6MB)
Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project Public Notice: Public access changes along the foreshore
Posted October 2013
The Management of Sime Building and Construction wish to advise the community of Esperance of changes to public access along the foreshore.
To allow construction and ensure public safety, commencing October 25, 2013 the areas listed below will be closed to the public until further notice:
- All beach access along the construction site (as indicated in the picture)
- James Street toilets, car park, jetty and pontoon
- Tanker Jetty toilets and car park
- Shared path along the foreshore between the town boat ramp and Tanker Jetty
We would like to thank you for your cooperation during the Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project. If you require further information please contact our Community Liaison Officer on (08) 9072 1888 or email
Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project Public Notice: Shared path access changes
Posted October 2013
The Management of Sime Building and Construction wish to advise the community of Esperance of changed traffic conditions.
The following car parks will be closed to the public:
- James Street car park
- Tanker Jetty car park
The shared path on the foreshore will also be closed between the town boat ramp and Tanker Jetty. We encourage you to adhere to all signage in place stating the alternative route.
These closures will take effect from October 25, 2013 until further notice.
Thank you for your cooperation during the Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Development project. If you require further information please contact our Community Liaison Officer on (08) 9072 1888 or email

Tender Award - Esperance Waterfront Project: Landscape Works
Posted September 2013
Sime Building and Construction is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Esperance Waterfront – Landscape Works contract due to commence in September 2013. We look forward to working in conjunction with the Shire of Esperance and HASSELL Ltd on another local project.
The Esperance Waterfront project will deliver a world class waterfront development. This will enable the Shire of Esperance to provide the local community with a fantastic family orientated destination with appropriate infrastructure, better cater for tourists, act as a stimulant for private investment and protect critical coastal infrastructure.

Progress - Carnarvon Community College
Posted September 2013
This project is 70% complete and we envisage practical completion in December 2013.

Progress - Narrogin Senior High School: Performing Arts Upgrade
Posted September 2013
This project is 35% complete and we envisage practical completion in March 2014.

Esperance Residential College 2011 Additions – project completed
Posted September 2013
Practical Completion of this project was reached on 28 August 2013.
Sime received a Contractor Performance Report rating of 100% from the Project Superintendent. Sime would like to thank HASSELL for their contribution to the successful completion of this project and we look forward to collaborating with them on future projects.

Tender Award - Carnarvon Community College Stage 1
Posted January 2013
Sime Building and Construction has been awarded the tender for the Carnarvon Community College Stage 1
Project Scope of Works:
- Construction of two teaching block and dental therapy block
- Installtion of in-ground septic sanitary waste system
- Landscaping
- Fire services system including fire hydrant, tanks and pump room
- Car park
- Cricket nets

Progress - Esperance Residential College 2011 Additions
Posted June 2012
Project is 35% complete.
Single storey staff residence is nearing completion.
Two storey staff residence - suspended slab completed and brickwork reaching plate height.
Boys dormitory - at fitout stage.
Girls dormitory - earthworks in progress.
Kitchen - at roof cover stage.

Progress - Carnarvon Bureau of Meteorology, New Stratospheric Profiler
Posted June 2012
Project completion envisaged late June 2012.
Project is 70% complete.
Major earthworks have been completed on site. Concrete slab for the new profiler building has been constructed. Construction of the 144 antenna footing plinths which make up the stratospheric profiler is entering the final stages. In ground mains power conduits have been installed in preparation for the upgraded connection to the power grid.

Progress - Narrogin Trade Training Centres
Posted May 2012
Two of the three trade training centres have now successfully reached practical completion. Handover of the third building is due June 2012.

Tender Award – Bureau of Meteorology, New Stratospheric Profiler, Carnarvon WA
Posted March 2012
Sime Building and Construction is pleased to once again work with GHD Pty Ltd on a Bureau of Meteorology project, which entails site and civil works for antennae bases and the new transportable building (profiler hut) pad, including services and infrastructure.
Installation of antennae array bases including antennae pedestals and electrically bonded earth points. Transport of the Principal supplied profiler hut from Melbourne, Victoria to site and the connection of services to the new hut. Reinstate all disturbed areas, including re-levelling of ground surface and replanting of native grass.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification
Posted March 2012
Management of Sime Building and Construction are pleased to announce the company's integrated management system is now certified to meeting the requirements of ISO 14001.

Tender Award - Esperance Residential College 2011 Additions
Posted November 2011
Sime Building and Construction is pleased to have been awarded another BMW project - an extension to the existing Residential College.
This multi-million dollar project comprises male and female dormitories, staff quarters, commercial kitchen and extensive landscaping.
We look forward to working with HASSELL and BMW in completing this project.

Progress - Narrogin Trade Training Centres
Posted November 2011
Project completion envisaged April 2012.
Shearing Facility 80% complete. Internal trades currently completing painting and floor coverings.
Building, Carpentry and Construction Facility 70% complete. At plasterboard and ceiling stage. Mechanical Services also in progress.
Hospitality Facility 40% complete. At roof sheeting stage.

Tender Award - Narrogin Trade Training Centres
Posted August 2011
Sime Building and Construction is pleased to have been awarded another BMW project - Narrogin Trade Training Centres.
The contract comprises three separate training centres at the Narrogin Agricultural School and Narrogin Senior High School. This multi million-dollar project commenced in June 2011.

Main Roads Greater Southern Regional Complex wins Architecture Award
Posted August 2011
The Australian Institute of Architects awarded Main Roads Greater Southern Regional Complex a 2011 Architecture Award in the Sustainability category.
Sime is pleased to be associated with this project and wishes to congratulate Hassell Architects on their success.
Click for more pictures of the project.